Surviving Middle School as a Parent
Wow just writing that title gets me chocked up. I remember the day my son was born like it was yesterday. My little 6-pound 8 oz bundle of joy is now entering his final year of Middle School. I listen to my friends and parents around me and they always say, “How Does Anyone Survive???”
I’ll be honest, I didn’t think it was going to be possible. I was a “hot” mess when he started. In our small-town middle school started in 5th grade. I was so freaked out, how can my little 5th grader go to school with 8th graders?? But as the days went by, I saw my child transform before my eyes from a boy to a young man. Even though it was bittersweet it also very pleasant to watch. Our conversations have gone from little boy toys to how to handle the drama, hard homework, and balance of a fun but productive lifestyle.
Middle School is different from when my friends and I were there that’s not secret, however it is also the same. In these stages of life, the children find themselves put in situations they never even thought could happen. For instance, friendships with people who may be older, have a crush on someone, all the clicks and how to be a good person when there is drama. Not every child will make the right decision and not every parent will always give the right advice. Why?? Because we never want to see out children hurt!! That’s ok but just remember in a few short years you are going to be releasing them into society without you to make those right decisions.
Here are a few tips I can give to those parents stressing how they will get through Middle School.
- Be involved. Try your best to be there for those big events at school, make time to help them study (even when you want to pull your hair out) Believe it or not this is the only thing they want from us.
- Give them your time! For instance, I only get to pick my boys up from school 2 times a week, I choose not to answer my phone or blast the radio. Instead I listen to them when they want to talk its probably the only time, I get a straight 20 mins of conversation with my oldest. I bet you if you pay attention you can see they get a little aggravated if you aren’t giving them the attention.
- ASK THE TEACHERS!!! This new way of doing homework can seriously make us “older” ones feel like we know nothing. The other way I have handled it is by making my son go in early and ask for help. This way if he thought he was going to be “judged” for not understanding there was a little more privacy.
As I sit here and speak about Surviving Middle School, I internally struggle with HOW WILL I GET THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL???? See this is a revolving cycle. When we chose to have children, we took on that role to always worry for them. This will never change but will evolve just like Middle School has for them vs. us. Just remember you are doing your best, be there for those children and make those memories. Afterall when you think back, I’m sure you think of those situations that molded you and those memories you made with the ones you love.
Life is short be here now and make those memories,
Thank you,
Boy Mama,
Danielle Amey