How 10 Minutes in The Morning Changed My Life

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I’m always looking for ways to do my best, to simplify life and to excel in everything. I have found that following these 10 minutes first thing in the morning always start my day off on the right foot! For me these steps are done in my 10 minutes in the shower as frankly, it’s the only time I really have to myself, day or night. (And unless, I lock the door there’s still a chance even this time won’t be time alone!)

Minute 1- Just relax. Breathe. Let the thoughts in your mind come together about the day you want to have. Smile while you do it!!

Minutes 2-4- I AM GRATEFUL! I list everything I am thankful for thanking God, the Universe..whatever you ascribe to for everything I have. If you can’t fill 3 minutes with nonstop things you are thankful for, you’ll never open yourself up to receive anything more to be thankful for. I’ll be honest, some mornings they don’t come easy and even in those mornings, I can find small things…a new toothbrush, my coffee cup waiting for me downstairs, the light switch I was able to turn on, having the ability to pay to turn that light switch on….

Minutes 5-6- SEND POSITIVE VIBES TO ALL I LOVE! I spend 2 minutes sending love, prayers and positive vibes to all those I love and care about. I always think of my family and friends and what they have going on. I think about a specific situation they may be in and send out those good vibes. I try to actively feel the good vibes leaving me and traveling to them..which I know they are as we know that it’s all about energy. The more good vibes you send out, the more good vibes comes back to you.

Minutes 7-8- HOW CAN I MAKE SOMEONE’S DAY BETTER? I always think of at least 3 things I can do to make someone’s day better. This is something I won’t go a day without doing. Ever. The more you give, the more you receive. Some days they feel like small things to me, letting my daughter win the battle in wearing shorts to school because although it’s minuscule to me it’s made her whole day and she’ll go to school happy as a clam. Some days it’s larger, sponsoring a local charity. We have no way of knowing what really is small or large in making someones day better. Letting my daughter wear those shorts may put her in such a good mood, she makes her teacher’s day…who then goes home and makes her son’s day…who is so happy and filled with love he does something amazing for the world. Who knows what you can accomplish with one small act of kindness. But I can tell you I do know you have the power to do amazing things every day that you most times can’t even see.

Minutes 9-10- WHAT DO I NEED TO ACCOMPLISH TODAY? Before my day has even begun I have written out my to do list. I think about that list and see it as complete. I FEEL the happiness and contentment as if I have already completed everything on it. Do I have 9 bins of summer clothing and shoes for 6 children I have to sort and get organized?? I see it as done, feeling the joy of its completion knowing how happy the kids will be to see all their summer things out bringing the promise of those lazy, hazy summer days. Am I working with a client on a large, intricate vacation that we are booking today?? I see my client ecstatic with the hard work I’ve done in making their vacation dreams a reality and feel the joy their happiness will bring me. It’s all about putting those feelings out in to the Universe so they can come back to you like a boomerang when they do happen.

  • Take 30 days and commit to these 10 minutes every morning and I guarantee you’ll see a huge shift in your life!

About Post Author

Jade Monzo

I am a Wife and Mommy of 6 little ones trying daily to live a life filled with positive thoughts and smiles. I ascribe to the notion of collecting moments, not things and live as minimalist lifestyle as I can with 6 small children! I also have the pleasure of curating amazing family trips for clients who allow me to be a part of such a magical time in their lives, their family vacations.
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