“Don’t you get bored?” “Aren’t you scared?” “Your husband lets you do that?!”
I am very lucky to have a supportive husband who encourages my sense of adventure. He goes along with all my crazy ideas and believes the experience of travel is worth more than stuff. I firmly believe that everyone should take a solo trip at least once in their lives. It’s by far one of my favorite things to do and I get so much out of the experience.
A while back I took a weekend solo road trip to Phoenix to see the bestie. It’s a scenic 6- hour drive that I can do in my sleep. The only solo part on this trip is the actual driving but that still seems to send people in a panic. Once I get there, I’m attached to Jess so I’m not completely alone. I drive during the day and continuously keep my husband and Jess updated on my location. But for some reason every time I tell someone I’m taking a solo road trip they freak out on me. Let me remind everyone, we have 4 kids at home that range from 2 to 18. I absolutely love my 6 hours of uninterrupted alone time. I get to be in charge of the radio and all the snacks are mine. I sing loudly and horribly. It gives me time for reflection, and I get to enjoy the view. I have done solo trips to Phoenix, Denver and Colorado Springs. Every single time was worth it.
There are people who cannot handle eating a meal alone in public, much less go on a road trip alone. But I like my solitary time, I absolutely love travel and I am highly entertained by myself. I think people are more afraid of the time spent with themselves versus the actual safety of going somewhere alone. If you are looking for adventure and ready to push yourself out of your comfort zone, then a solo road trip is the way to go. Start by spending an afternoon driving around town alone. Run errands if you want but the goal is to spend a couple hours on your own just driving around. Sounds like bliss doesn’t it?
If you’re not sure you can handle a 6- hour solo drive, then try something more toned down. Drive to the closest near-by town for a day trip. For me that means driving about an hour up to Santa Fe for the day. Go to a shopping center or mall and window shop. Get some Starbucks or some lunch then turn around a come home. Easy, right? If you have a friend who lives farther away, call them and tell them you’re heading their way. This way you have a destination and someone waiting for you at the end of the trip.
If driving is too much for you book a flight. The act of getting to the airport, going through security, navigating an airport and flying solo is something you can check off your list of adult stuff to do. Get yourself a Bloody Mary at the airport bar to calm the nerves and prepare for a fun time doing whatever you want to do. Plus, people watching at airports is fun. Make it a simple weekend away. Jess and I are getting ready to do a short weekend in Vegas. She will be driving up from Phoenix and I will be flying in from Albuquerque. We will both be making to trip solo but meeting up in Vegas. It is a little bit of everything fun.
Don’t forget the road trip essentials:
- Money (cash just in case)
- Car charger for your phone
- Phone number to Roadside Assistance
- Emergency numbers and information written down – You may lose signal or battery on your phone so best to be prepared.
- Snacks – go for a good variety of salty and sweet such as beef jerky and junior mints. This is a solo road trip so no need to worry about sharing anything.
- Water bottles
- Toilet paper – you never know.
- Directions printed out – do not trust your phone for everything.
- License, insurance and registration
- Music, podcasts and an audiobook
I enjoy navigating new experiences alone and being responsible for only myself. It’s a chance to figure out what you like and what you are capable of. I guarantee there will be at least one moment of panic when something does not go as planned but the minute you figure it out and handle this situation on your own there’s a huge sense of pride. You can now refer to yourself as an independent adventurer. Go you! You can’t say you don’t like something until you try it at least once. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll plan my next solo road trip right now.
Have fun!